I designed this course for you, for who I used to be, and for countless other women that have forgotten their inherent Majesty. To live the life of our dreams, we must have command over our lives, and not let our lives have command over us. It is time to take up your crown and wear it.

We each have within us an inherent power to create a life of authentic fulfillment, aliveness, and joy. And yet, we often experience life feeling stuck, lacking luster, and longing for more. We have simply put our crown down somewhere along the way, or perhaps we never knew we had one in the first place.


Each of these courses has been designed to help you awaken to your own inherent inner power, allowing you to create a life that is expressive of the very essence of who you are. Life lived from this place is purposeful and offers deep richness and reward. You deserve nothing less than to live a life of great meaning and fulfillment.

Take Up Your Crown, and Wear It 

Over the course of eight hours (four two-hour sessions) you will join me and a small group of others to:

  • Wake up to an inherent power within you to create a life that powerfully resonates with who you are and how you want to live.
  • Discover (or rediscover) the aspects of you that make you uniquely beautiful and magnificent.
  • Uncover an Inner Life Compass to help you successfully navigate choices and decisions, big and small.
  • Learn fail-proof tools to keep negative self-talk, should’s, and societal pressures at bay.
  • Design a future vision for your life, based on your terms, in alignment with the very essence of who you are.
  • Take up your crown and wear it.

Join the WaitList for Our Fall Course

Reach out for next date and details!

This self-paced, live-recorded course has been designed as "A Spa for Your Spirit." It is facilitated by the founders of the course and is comprised of four consecutive, separate, live-recorded audio-download sessions. Each session offers three core components to support a woman’s powerful life transformation:
  • Carefully crafted coaching questions to prompt self-discovery
  • Guided meditations and visualizations
  • Facilitated journaling

Essence is your deepest sense-of-self, the core of who you are, the expression of your own unique spirit.

When you become aware of your Essence, it becomes a powerful Inner Life Compass that informs your every decision, allowing you to design a life that is intrinsically aligned with who you are.

Women that are deeply yearning for something more.
If you are…
  • Painfully stuck and struggling for clarity and direction
  • At a loss of remembering anymore what gives you pleasure
  • Tired of living your life from a place of someone else’s “shoulds”
  • Genuinely ready to transform your life and break through to joy and fulfillment
Then this course is for you. 

Read what past participants have to say about the course here.

Are you ready to
transform your life?

Purchase the Course

The Power of Essence

"Lindsay is insightful and seems to have an uncanny way of making those around her feel seen. Having taken one of Lindsay's courses, I can attest that even in the space of a group course for women, I felt individually honored. The course focused on self-discovery. The level of self-understanding I gained has provided me with clarity amid situations and experiences that would otherwise have previously created stress and roadblocks. I highly recommend Lindsay to anyone looking for a coach or a course, I am incredibly grateful." — Tamara

I Felt Individually Honored

"The 'Take Up Your Crown' course allowed me to do just that. It helped me to powerfully renew a sense of myself that has allowed me to align my life with who I am and how I want to live it. As a mother of three girls, I am aware of how important it is for us to remember as women that we are each regal, and that our lives are our own to boldly create and have rulership over. Thank you, Lindsay, for this course. My life’s motto is: Know Your Worth. Be Brave. Be Vulnerable. Be Triumphant." — Diana L.

We are Each Regal

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